工作地点: 北京
美资一百强 技术大牛带领 高薪资 氛围好 专业培训 发展空间
2.System Engineer优才计划
工作地点: 北京;上海
美资一百强 技术大牛带领 高薪资 氛围好 专业培训 发展空间 王牌部门
职位亮点: 轮岗定岗
Passion to grow in technology and Aerospace industry
• Master or Bachelor’s Degree in Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, System Engineering or other Aerospace related or equivalent majors
• Academic excellence and demonstrated Honeywell behaviors
• High learning agility
• Proactively to take challenges and adapt to change quickly
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• Good written and verbal English
• Demonstrate ability to lead and work in teams
• Must be willing to relocate within China
3.Electronic Engineer 优才计划
工作地点: 北京;上海
美资一百强 技术大牛带领 高薪资 氛围好 专业培训 发展空间 王牌部门
职位亮点: 轮岗定岗
• Passion to grow in technology and Aerospace industry
• Master or Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Navigation, Guidance and Control,Signal Processing, Tele-communication,Mathematics or other Aerospace related or equivalent majors
• Academic excellence and demonstrated Honeywell behaviors
• High learning agility
• Proactively to take challenges and adapt to change quickly
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• Good written and verbal English
• Demonstrate ability to lead and work in teams
• Must be willing to relocate within China
联系方式:如有意向请将最新简历(命名 职位+姓名)
简历通过筛选后, HR会打电话联系的,请注意手机。谢谢。
Software development experience (or equivalence in post-graduate school) with a concentration in C/C++/C#/Java.
Development experience with X86/PPC embedded software embedded OS (Vxworks, Linux, μC/OS-II, etc).
Good communication skills with fluency in written, reading and oral English.
Ability to work in a self-directed and virtual environment required, strong problem solving skills required.
System Engineer优才计划
Electronic Engineer 优才计划