王焯,皇冠体育 助理教授、特别副研究员、硕士生导师。2023年于清华大学计算机系获得工学博士学位,师从王建勇教授(IEEE Fellow, CAAI Fellow)。2023年-2024年在蚂蚁集团任高级算法工程师(蚂蚁星),后加入北京理工大学。主要研究方向为类脑智能算法、神经符号可信与可解释学习、大模型复杂推理、大规模复杂数据分析及其应用研究。在数据挖掘、机器学习以及医疗等多个领域的国际顶级会议和期刊发表论文9篇,其中以第一作者身份在TPAMI、NeurIPS、AAAI等国际顶级会议和期刊发表论文4篇,发明专利申请获授权1项。 本人每年招收硕士2-4名。欢迎对类脑智能算法、可解释学习、神经符号学习、大模型复杂推理等研究方向有兴趣的同学加入课题组,也欢迎科研兴趣浓厚的本科生来组实习。
[1] Zhuo Wang, Wei Zhang, Ning Liu, and Jianyong Wang. "Learning Interpretable Rules for Scalable Data Representation and Classification." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024. (TPAMI, Full Paper, CCF-A, IF = 20.8)
[2] Zhuo Wang, Wei Zhang, Ning Liu, and Jianyong Wang. "Scalable Rule-Based Representation Learning for Interpretable Classification." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021. (NeurIPS, Full Paper, CCF-A)
[3] Zhuo Wang, Wei Zhang, Ning Liu, Jianyong Wang. "Transparent Classification with Multilayer Logical Perceptrons and Random Binarization." AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020. (AAAI, Full Paper, Oral Presentation, CCF-A)
[4] Zhuo Wang, Jie Wang, Ning Liu, Caiyan Liu, Xiuxing Li, Liling Dong, Rui Zhang, Chenhui Mao, Zhichao Duan, Wei Zhang, Jing Gao, Jianyong Wang. "Learning Cognitive-Test-Based Interpretable Rules for Prediction and Early Diagnosis of Dementia using Neural Networks." Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (2022). (JAD, Article, SCI, IF = 4.160)
[5] Wei Zhang, Junbing Yan, Zhuo Wang, and Jianyong Wang. "Neuro-Symbolic Interpretable Collaborative Filtering for Attribute-based Recommendation." The Web conference, 2022. (WWW, Full Paper, CCF-A)
[6] Jie Wang, Zhuo Wang, Ning Liu, Caiyan Liu, Chenhui Mao, Liling Dong, Jie Li, Xinying Huang, Dan Lei, Shanshan Chu, Jianyong Wang, and Jing Gao. "Random Forest Model in the Diagnosis of Dementia Patients with Normal Mini-Mental State Examination Scores." Journal of Personalized Medicine 12, no. 1 (2022): 37. (JPM, Article, SCI, IF = 3.508)
[7] Zhichao Duan, Xiuxing Li, Zhenyu Li, Zhuo Wang, and Jianyong Wang. "Not Just Plain Text! Fuel Document-Level Relation Extraction with Explicit Syntax Refinement and Subsentence Modeling." In Findings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022. (EMNLP, Full Paper, findings, CCF-B)
[8] Bowen Dong*, Zhuo Wang*, Zhenyu Li, Zhichao Duan, Jiacheng Xu, Tengyu Pan, Rui Zhang, Ning Liu, Xiuxing Li, Jie Wang, Caiyan Liu, Liling Dong, Chenhui Mao, Jing Gao, and Jianyong Wang. "Toward a Stable and Low-resource PLM-based Medical Diagnostic System via Prompt Tuning and MoE Structure." Scientific Reports, 2023.
[9] Wei Zhang, Yongxiang Liu, Zhuo Wang, Jianyong Wang. Learning to binarize continuous features for neuro-rule networks. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023. (IJCAI, Full Paper, CCF-A)
[10] Zhuo Wang, Rongzhen Li, Bowen Dong, Jie Wang, Xiuxing Li, Ning Liu, Chenhui Mao, Wei Zhang, Liling Dong, Jing Gao, Jianyong Wang. Can LLMs like GPT-4 outperform traditional AI tools in dementia diagnosis? Maybe, but not today.